Henry Ma's Website


03 Jan 2019 - Henry Ma

Freebies @ MDB: Material Design for Bootstrap

:seedling: Free - Pay for Extended

Short Story

Early 2015 :back:
Image: Encounter with MD

:eyes: My Virtual Office powered by Masonry; The Better(MD) Comes Into Existence; Eureka!!!

:on: The time listed as part of technology stack

Google(Material Lite), Materialize, … not many players yet.

:soon: Going Crazy
Image: Material Design Everywhere

:bow: What am I gonna to go with so many choices, as an indie maker???


henryfma @HenryFMa

Who am I???
- Engineer and Entrepreneur, Software and Internet
- Practical Idealist
- Pursuing Flexible Working via Technologies

A non-professional designer who needs great design. :whale:

  • Start Quickly
  • Use Freely
  • Learn Easily

:sparkles: High Innate Value, Free of Charge, Built with <3

  • Core MDB Framework as Open Source on Github with 5k+ stars
  • Elegant Templates(Open Source) which I used to quickly and easily on building Go F:rocket:cking Free
  • Excellent technical content in related field, for example, the CSS Tutorial I need and started leveraging.
  • Tools, for example, MDB UI KIT which I definitely will try shortly.

:sparkles: Low Attached Cost(ads, spams, …)

Quotes from official

We operate in the freemium business model.

It means that the basic version of our product is available for free. You have to pay for the extended version.

In order to properly understand of our method used to acquire the first clients, you have to remember two things:

  1. We did not run direct sales
  2. We did not promote directly the paid version of our product

In an open source environmental, advertising of anything what is paid, is threaten with an immediate ban and getting the spam label.

In such circumstances it was essential for us (and still is) to promote our free version of MDB. The way we ran the promotion of this version in the first months was described in the previous article.

The only way that we used to convey the advertising information about our paid version, it is retargeting. This issue is described in the next sections.”

:herb: You can refer to the bottom link for the full story

:sparkles: No Comparison :shit:

Someone has :squirrel:
The Story of MDB