Henry Ma's Website


21 Jan 2019 - Henry Ma

“Everyone is an entire world, yet no one could be a lonely island.”

Now: The Global Serverless Platform

ZEIT Now is a cloud platform for serverless deployment. It enables developers to host websites and web services that deploy instantly, scale automatically, and require no supervision, all with minimal configuration.

:seedling: Free - Pay after Growup

:whale:Serverless here means:


:partly_sunny: My experience with Now is a bit messy, which I think is highly related to the V1->V2 transition.

  • :octocat: Please do share with @henryfma if you have better practical experience including V1.

The Use Cases

JSON-Server for GFF

  • "builds": [ { "src": "now/index.js", "use": "@now/node-server" } ]
  • You can take a look @Huntings
  • Compared to using VPS directly, advantages are:
    • No cost and maintenance on server
    • Simpler deployment process
    • Automated SSL setup
    • Automatic scaling with global distribution
  • Unfortunately, there’s a gap on persistent storage.

    :heavy_exclamation_mark:Not safe to be used as a file-based database

Deploying and managing the server_peers of the dWeb solutions

now --npm amark/gun
Then visit the URL in the output of the ‘now –npm’ step, in your browser.

:disappointed: It doesn’t work, due to the official recommended v2 migration/upgrade, which is default/enforced to new users and hence a bit rude to me(a new user).

NOTE: As of the 4th of January 2019, all new users will no longer be able to create deployments on the Now 1.0 platform version.
now -V 1.0 --npm amark/gun
Error! You tried to create a Now 1.0 deployment. Please use Now 2.0 instead

:notes: After learning and trying the V2, stuff using :heavy_exclamation_mark:WSS(WebSockets) such as Gun(and probably other dWeb solutions) hasn’t been supported yet, until the WSS support is released.